
Here they are, at last! Your brand new baby. With everything that comes with having a newborn baby, how busy you become and how quickly they grow, it is not surprising that you can easily forget how small they are to start with.

This is where I come in. I know it can seem like a lot, to get yourselves up and out, to go to a studio for a photoshoot within the first couple of weeks after having your baby. But my studio is a home from home, where you can sit down in comfort and relax, while I create beautiful photographs of your precious newborn baby.

I do have a lovely selection of outfits, wraps and props to use in your session, or we can keep it super simple and just use one of baby's plain white vests. I will give you a call beforehand so that we can chat about what photos are the most important for us to capture.

newborn baby photo, laying on white blanket looking at camera, arms reaching up to hold mothers hands, by verity

Newborn photoshoots

are scheduled in for about two weeks after you have had your baby. This means that hopefully you and baby will have recovered somewhat from the delivery and baby should be feeding well. Doing the photoshoot early on also means that (hopefully) your baby is still super sleepy, which means that we can move and pose them without upsetting them, and the photoshoot itself takes less time (so you can get back home quicker!).

Although of course the session is led by the baby, so if we need to stop for a feed/change/cuddle then we do, as baby's safety and wellbeing is my top priority. A newborn photoshoot can take anywhere from one to four hours, so it is best to not schedule anything else that morning! The longer sessions are normally because all of the family wants to get involved, which I love! This is the perfect opportunity to get an up to date family photo.

A newborn baby boy lays on a white blanket, the hands of his family surrounding him.

And Remember

just like you and me, all babies will move and pose differently. I have trained with some of the top newborn photographers in England, with input from midwives and doctors, on how to safely and correctly pose newborn babies. This means that I am constantly watching how your baby reacts and will never force them into a pose or position they are uncomfortable in.

I often start my sessions by wrapping baby up, this helps them to settle and we can photograph them awake or asleep.

I will use a selection of different wraps or blankets to take photos of your baby, with a couple including parents or siblings should you wish, before moving on to any 'nude' photos at the end if you wanted (although I often keep the nappy on just to be safe).

twin newborn babies swaddled together in a white blanket during a photo shoot in Didcot

After the shoot

You will receive a full gallery of about 20 beautiful images to look through within 14 days of your session where you will choose which collection you would like to purchase and the possibility to place an order for frames or albums.

I know how busy you will be with a new baby, so all of this can be done from the comfort of your own home.

A photoshoot costs £150 this is required at the time of booking to save your session date. It is entirely up to you which package you buy and you decide that only after you have seen your images. Packages start from £250 and go up to £500.

So that you don't miss out on this opportunity, it is advisable to book your newborn photoshoot during pregnancy. That way I can save a couple of dates around your due date for you, ensuring you don't miss out on these priceless first photos.

newborn baby wrapped in white swaddle is posed in parents hand during photoshoot in Didcot

Special Offer

Celebrate your little ones first year with a series of three photo sessions: Newborn, Sitting Baby and First Birthday.
Save up to £450 compared to booking the sessions seperately.

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